Burial & Ash Scattering Ceremony at Sea in Long Beach, San Pedro, Huntington Harbor & Alamitos Bay
Are you searching for a caring, peaceful and affordable way of saying good-bye to your loved ones? Consider Burials at Sea by Captain Johnnie Lee in Long Beach and Huntington Beach, CA. for a unique and personal burial ceremony.
Memories of heartfelt love never fades, nor does the desire to touch our loved ones, just once more. Through Burials at Sea by Captain Johnnie Lee, the slightest ripple you make in the ocean is carried for hundreds of miles around the world. you may not be able to feel their touch, but isn't it somehow comforting to know that yours may have reached them?
Witnessing the ashes' final passage into a beautiful expanse of ocean, filled with life created by God, is far more assuring that you and your loved ones will find peace, as we circle and say farewell, with rose petals, a prayer and belief that their journey has truly just begun.
Scattering of ashes and a Sea Burial Ceremony is a time honored tradition. Widely accepted throughout the world, and becoming even more so considering factors such as cost, land use and environmental concerns, and acknowledged in the Book of Revelations, Chapter 20, Verse 13:
"And the Sea gave up her dead that were in it...." |

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