Services for a Burial at Sea
Funeral Services at Sea Near Huntington Beach, CA
families may choose from the following public docks for boarding:
Shoreline Marina, near Parkers Lighthouse, Long Beach.
- Alamitos
Bay Marina, in front of Khourys and Busters Restaurant.
- Huntington
Harbor Marina, in front of the Huntington Harbor Yacht Club.
arrangements may be made upon request.
Early to mid morning boarding is preferred, as the ocean is usually calm during this time. Even though plans will be thoroughly discussed prior to the morning of our departure, families are requested to be flexible, as changing weather conditions may require that we postpone to another day.
We will travel slowly to a pre-designated site, one and a half miles from shore, and perform a quiet, dignified, personal service to the satisfaction of my client family, and safely return. If requested, prior to our date of departure, the Captain will write a personal prayer for the family based on information received about the life and love we are honoring. The degree of participation by our willing and capable Captain, beyond ensuring the safety of all on board, and proper methods of ash scattering, is solely the family’s decision. We will circle the scattered ashes, allowing time to pray, place rose petals on the ashes, and say good-bye before returning to shore.
The GPS latitude and longitude coordinates of the burial site will be provided to the family prior to their departure, to enable return to that exact position at anytime in the future.
I maintain charter insurance for up to 6 persons per witnessed event on board my vessel.

Fee Schedule
Witnessed Burials at Sea: $500.00 for 1 to 6 people on board when departing from Long Beach or Alamitos Bay*, $600.00 for 1 to 6 people on board when departing from Huntington Harbor. An affiliate vessel that carries up to 149 people on board is available. An affiliate vessel that carries up to 149 people on board is available. Please call Capt. John for pricing of this vessel. Fees are payable by Personal Check, Cash or Major Credit Card. Payments by Credit Card must be made two days before the planned departure date. Payments with Cash or Check may be made when we return to shore.
Permits: Client families are required to obtain the Burial At Sea Permit from their Mortuary, Crematory or local Department of Health, and bring it with them on the day that we depart. I will execute and file the Department of Health Permit with the appropriate agencies, with copies to my client family and Mortuary.
Non-Witnessed Burials, where I scatter the cremated remains without the family on board: $100.00 per scattering, payable upon receipt of cremated remains, and Permit.
Extended cruises and special requests may be accommodated.* Note: An additional fee of $100.00 applies to Alamitos Bay departures only, payable directly to the Alamitos Bay Harbor Master. |
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